Rental Agreement

(June 30, 2024)

Chapter 1. General Provisions 

Article 1. (Application of Agreement)  

  1. Pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, the Company shall rent out a rental vehicle (hereinafter referred to as “Rental Vehicle”) to the renter, and the renter shall rent the same. Furthermore, matters not stipulated in this agreement shall be governed by laws and regulations or general customs.
  2. The Company may accept special agreements to the extent that they do not conflict with the intent of this Agreement, as well as laws and regulations, administrative notices, or general customs. In the event of a special agreement, such special agreement shall prevail over this Agreement. 

Chapter 2. Reservations

Article 2. Applying for Reservations  

  1. When renting a Rental Vehicle, the renter can apply for a reservation through the Company’s website, where upon agreeing to the agreement and the Company’s prescribed price list, etc., they will specify in advance the type of vehicle, purpose of use, starting date and time of rental, rental location, rental period, return location, driver, the necessity of other options, and other renting conditions (hereinafter referred to as “Renting Conditions”) in a manner prescribed by the Company.
  2. When the Company receives a reservation application from a renter, the Company shall, in principle, accept the reservation within the range of Rental Vehicles the Company has in its possession.
  3. In the event that the Company’s reservation confirmation e-mail is unable to reach the e-mail address entered by the customer, the Company shall treat said reservation as a failed reservation. 

Article 3. Change of Reservation

  1. The renter must obtain the prior approval of the Company when they wish to change the Renting Conditions as set forth in Paragraph 1 of the preceding article.  

Article 4. Cancellation of Reservations, Etc. 

  1. The renter can cancel the reservation in the manner prescribed by the Company. 
  2. In the event that the renter, for their own reasons, fails to commence the procedures for concluding the Rental Vehicle rental contract (hereinafter referred to as “Rental Agreement”) at least one hour after the reserved rental start time, the reservation will be deemed canceled, and the renter shall be charged the prescribed cancellation fee. Upon payment of said cancellation fee, the Company shall return to the renter the reservation application fee already received. 
  3. If the reservation is canceled or the Rental Contract is not concluded due to the Company’s circumstances, the Company shall refund the reservation application fee already received. 
  4. If the Rental Agreement is not concluded due to accident, theft, non-return, recall, natural disaster or other reasons not attributable either to the renter or the Company, the reservation shall be deemed canceled. In such a case, the Company shall refund the reservation application fee already received. 

Article 5. Alternative Rental Vehicles

  1. If the Company is unable to rent out the Rental Vehicle reserved by the renter, the Company may propose the renting out of a Rental Vehicle that is of a different type from that reserved (hereinafter referred to as “Alternative Rental Vehicle”). 
  2. If the renter accepts the proposal in the preceding paragraph, the Company shall rent out an Alternative Rental Vehicle under the same Renting Conditions as at the time of reservation. 
  3. The renter is able to refuse the proposal for the renting out of an Alternative Rental Vehicle under Paragraph 1 and cancel the reservation.

Article 6. Exemption from Responsibility

  1. Except in the cases established in Articles 4 and 5, neither the Company nor the renter shall make any claim against the other for the cancelation of the reservation or non-conclusion of the Rental Contract. 

Chapter 3. Renting Out 

Article 7. Concluding the Rental Agreement  

  1. The renter shall specify the Renting Conditions as set forth in Article 2, Paragraph 1, and the Company shall conclude the Rental Agreement while specifying the conditions for renting out through this Agreement, the price list, etc. However, this does not apply when there is no Rental Vehicle available to rent out or when the renter or driver falls under any of the items of Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 2 of Article 8. 
  2. Upon the conclusion of the Rental Agreement, the renter shall pay to the Company the rental fee as prescribed in Article 10, Paragraph 1.
  3. In accordance with Basic Notification 2 (10) and (11) of the competent authorities, the Company shall request the renter to present the driving license of the driver designated by the renter (hereinafter referred to as the “Driver”) and submit a copy of said license when concluding the Rental Agreement, for the purpose of including the Driver’s full name, address, driving license type and driving license number in the rent book (rent slip) and the rent certificate stipulated in Article 13, Paragraph 1, or for the purpose of attaching a copy of the Driver’s driving license to the same. In such a case, if the Driver is involved in an accident, the renter shall present the driving license of the Driver and submit a copy of said license.
  4. When concluding the Rental Agreement, the Company may request the renter and Driver to submit identification documents in addition to the driving license and may take copies of the submitted documents. 
  5. When concluding the Rental Agreement, the Company shall request the provision of a cell phone number, etc., for communicating with the renter and Driver during the rental period.
  6. When concluding the Rental Agreement, the Company may request the renter to pay in cash or by credit card or designate other payment methods. 

Article 8. Rejecting the Conclusion of a Rental Agreement

  1. The Rental Agreement cannot be concluded if the renter or Driver meets any of the following conditions:
    (1) Not presenting the driving license required to drive the rented Rental Vehicle
    (2) Being found to be under the influence of alcohol
    (3)Being found to be displaying symptoms of intoxication, etc., by narcotics, stimulants, thinner, etc.
    (4) Having a child under 6 years of age as a passenger without using a child car seat
    (5) Being found to be a member or related party of a gang or a gang-related group, or found to be a party belonging to other antisocial organizations 
  2. In the event of any of the following cases, the Company can refuse to conclude the Rental Agreement:
    (1) The Driver designated at the time of reservation is different from the Driver at the time of concluding the rental agreement
    (2) A rental fee for a past rent is yet to be paid
    (3) Actions listed in the items of Article 16 have been committed in a past rent.
    (4) Automobile insurance not applied in a past rent due to violation of the Rental Agreement or the insurance agreement 
    (5) The renter or Driver being otherwise deemed inappropriate by the Company. 

Article 9. Formation of Rental Agreement, Etc.

  1. The Rental Agreement shall be formed when the renter pays the rental fee to the Company and the Company hands over the Rental Vehicle to the renter.  

Article 10. Rental Fees

  1. The rental fee shall mean the total of the following fees, and the fee commensurate with the contracted rental period shall be received at the time of the Rental Agreement’s conclusion; further, the Company will clearly indicate the respective amounts or the calculation basis in the price list:
    (1) Basic fee (including indemnity fee)
    (2) Optional fee (Rental items, etc.)
    (3) Other fees. 
  2. The basic fee will be in accordance with the fee that the Company has reported to the Head of the Transport Branch Office of the District Transport Bureau at the time of renting out the Rental Vehicle. 
  3. If, at the time of returning the Rental Vehicle, there are additional costs apart from the fee received in Paragraph 1, such as extension fee, deductible caused by accident, NOC, cost of fuel in the case where the vehicle is returned without a full tank, etc., these must be settled when returning the vehicle. 

Article 11. Changes to the Renting Conditions 

  1. If the renter wishes to change the Renting Conditions as provided in Article 7, Paragraph 1 after the conclusion of the Rental Agreement, the renter must obtain the prior approval of the Company. 
  2. If the change in the Renting Conditions pursuant to the preceding paragraph obstructs rental operations, the Company may refuse to accept such a change. 
  3. If the renter extends the rental period in compliance with Paragraph 1, all Renting Conditions apart from the rental period shall be the same as those in the Rental Agreement prior to the extension, and the renter shall pay the rental fee corresponding to the changed rental period to the Company. 

Article 12. Inspection, Maintenance, and Confirmation

  1. The Company shall rent out Rental Vehicles that have been maintained as required and inspected as prescribed in Article 48 (Periodic Inspection and Maintenance) of the Road Trucking Vehicle Act. 
  2. The Company shall carry out necessary maintenance and perform inspections as prescribed in Article 47-2 (Daily Inspection and Maintenance) of the Road Trucking Vehicle Act. 
  3. The renter or Driver shall confirm that the inspection and maintenance of the preceding two paragraphs have been carried out, confirm through an inspection of the vehicle’s exterior and accessories based on a separately established inspection list that there are no maintenance defects in the Rental Vehicle, and confirm that the Rental Vehicle otherwise fulfils the Renting Conditions. 
  4. In the event that the Rental Vehicle is found to be inadequately maintained as per the preceding paragraph, the Company shall immediately carry out the necessary maintenance, etc. 
  5. The renter will be responsible for properly installing a child car seat.  

Article 13. Issuing, Carrying, etc., the Rent Certificate

  1. Upon handing over the Rental Vehicle, the Company shall issue to the renter or Driver a prescribed rent certificate stating the matters prescribed by the Head of the Transport Branch Office of the District Transport Bureau.
  2. The renter or Driver must carry the rent certificate issued in accordance with the preceding paragraph while using the Rental Vehicle. 
  3. If the renter or Driver loses the rent certificate, they shall immediately notify the Company thereof. 
  4. When returning the Rental Vehicle, the renter or Driver shall return the rent certificate to the Company at the same time. 

Chapter 4. Usage 

Article 14. Management Responsibility

  1. The renter or Driver shall use and manage the Rental Vehicle with the care and attention of a good manager from the time the Rental Vehicle is handed over to the time of its return to the Company (hereinafter referred to as “Usage Period”).
  2. When using the Rental Vehicle, the renter or Driver shall comply with laws, regulations, agreements, bylaws, instruction manuals, and other usage instructions provided by the Company.

Article 15. Daily Inspection and Maintenance

  1. During the Usage Period, the renter or Driver must carry out necessary maintenance and the inspections as precribed in Article 47-2 (Daily Inspection and Maintenance) of the Road Trucking Vehicle Act on the rented Rental Vehicle every day before using the vehicle. 

Article 16. Prohibited Acts

  1. The renter or Driver must not perform the following acts during the Usage Period:
    (1) Using the Rental Vehicle for motor transport work or similar purposes without obtaining the Company’s consent or permission under the Road Transportation Act, etc.
    (2) Using the Rental Vehicle for purposes other than those prescribed, or having someone who is not the Driver included in the rent certificate in Article 7, Paragraph 3 or someone who has not received the Company’s approval drive the vehicle
    (3) Subleasing the Rental Vehicle or any other act that infringes on the Company’s rights, such as placing the vehicle as collateral
    (4) Forging or altering the vehicle registration number plate or vehicle number plate of the Rental Vehicle, or altering the current condition of the Rental Vehicle, such as remodeling or refurbishing it
    (5) Using the Rental Vehicle for any kind of test or competition, or using it to tow or push another party without the Company’s consent 
    (6) Using the Rental Vehicle in violation of the law or public order and morals
    (7) Taking out damage insurance for the Rental Vehicle without the Company’s consent
    (8) Taking the Rental Vehicle out of Japan
    (9)Removing audio equipment, car navigation system, and other equipment installed in the Rental Vehicle and taking them out of the vehicle without the Company’s consent Using the onboard tools, installed tires, spare tires, etc., on something other than the Rental Vehicle (
    10) Allowing pets to ride in the Rental Vehicle without the Company’s consent
    (11) Eating, drinking and preparing strong-smelling food and drink, smoking, using insecticides or air fresheners that emit a strong smell, using mosquito coils that emit smoke, etc., inside the Rental Vehicle
    (12) Other acts that violate the Renting Conditions of Article 7, Paragraph 1. 

Article 17. Measures in the Case of Illegal Parking, Etc.

  1. If the renter or Driver performs an act of illegal parking as prescribed in the Road Traffic Act with the Rental Vehicle during the Usage Period, the renter or Driver shall present themselves at the police station that has jurisdiction over the area where the vehicle was illegally parked; immediately pay the fine for illegal parking, etc.; and bear the costs of towing, storage, pickup, etc. associated with the illegal parking.
  2. When the Company is notified by the police that the Rental Vehicle is illegally parked and unattended, the Company shall contact the renter or Driver and instruct them to swiftly move or pick up the Rental Vehicle, present themselves at the police station handling the situation, and deal with the violation by the end of the rental period or until instructed by the Company; the renter or Driver shall comply with these instructions. In the event that the Rental Vehicle is moved by the police, the Company may, at its own discretion, retrieve the Rental Vehicle from the police themselves. 
  3. After giving the instructions set forth in the preceding paragraph, the Company shall, at its own discretion, confirm the violation processing status by means of traffic violation notice, payment notice, receipt, etc., and if the violation has not been processed, the Company shall give the instructions set forth in the preceding paragraph to the renter or Driver until the violation is processed. Additionally, the Company shall demand the renter or Driver to sign a document designated by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Acknowledgment Letter”) that acknowledges the fact that the renter or Driver had illegally parked their vehicle and left it unattended and that the renter or Driver will present themselves at a police station, etc., and comply with legal measures as a violator of the law. The renter or Driver shall comply with this. 
  4. If the Company deems it necessary, it can cooperate as required in pursuing the responsibility of the renter or Driver in regard to the unattended illegally parked vehicle, such as submitting materials to the police that include personal information such as the Acknowledgment Letter and rent certificate, and they can also submit to the Public Safety Commission materials such as the letter of explanation as prescribed in Article 51-4, Paragraph 6 of the Road Traffic Act, the Acknowledgment Letter, rent certificate, etc., and take necessary legal measures such as reporting the facts, etc. The renter or Driver shall agree to these actions.
  5. In the event that the Company receives an order to pay the violation fee for an unattended illegally parked vehicle under Article 51-4, Paragraph 1 of the Road Traffic Act and pays said charge, or in the event that the Company bears the cost required to search for the renter or Driver or the cost of moving, storing, or picking up the vehicle, etc., the Company shall charge the renter or Driver the following amounts (hereinafter referred to as “Parking Violation-Related Costs”);  in this case, the renter or Driver shall pay the Parking Violation-Related Costs by the date specified by the Company:
    (1) Amount equivalent to the violation fee for an unattended illegally parked vehicle
    (2) Parking violation penalty as determined by the Company
    (3) Expenses required for the search, as well as for moving, storing, picking up the vehicle, etc. 
  6. If the renter or Driver does not comply with the Company’s instructions to deal with the violation under Paragraph 2 or the Company’s request to sign the Acknowledgment Letter under Paragraph 3 at the place where the renter or Driver is required to pay the fine, etc., for illegal parking pursuant to Paragraph 1, or if the Company deems it as necessary, the Company can charge the renter or Driver a parking penalty that is of an amount separately determined by the Company (hereinafter referred to as “Parking Penalty”) to cover the violation fee for an unattended illegally parked vehicle and the parking violation penalty as provided in Paragraph 5. 
  7. In the event that the renter or Driver has paid to the Company the amount demanded by the Company pursuant to Paragraph 5 and the order to pay the violation fee for an unattended illegally parked vehicle has been rescinded for reasons such as the renter or Driver making a late payment of the fine for said parking violation or being prosecuted for said violation, and the Company has received a refund for the violation fee for an unattended illegally parked vehicle, or the receipt, etc., of the payment of the violation fee for an unattended illegally parked vehicle has been presented, the Company shall refund to the renter or Driver only the amount equivalent to the violation fee for an unattended illegally parked vehicle out of the Parking Violation-Related Costs already paid to the Company. The same shall apply in the event that the Company receives a Parking Penalty in accordance with Paragraph 6. 

Chapter 5. Returning

Article 18. Responsibility for Returning  

  1. The renter or Driver shall return the Rental Vehicle to the Company at the designated place of return by the expiration of the rental period. 
  2. If the renter or Driver violates the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the renter or Driver shall compensate the Company for any and all damage caused to the Company.
  3. The renter or Driver shall not be liable for any damage incurred by the Company in the event that the Rental Vehicle cannot be returned within the rental period due to a natural disaster or other force majeure.  In this case, the renter or Driver shall immediately contact the Company and follow the Company’s instructions. 

Article 19. Confirmation at the Time of Return, Etc. 

  1. The renter or Driver shall return the Rental Vehicle in the presence of the Company. In this case, the vehicle shall be converted to its original condition at the time when it was rented out, except for any deterioration or worn out parts, etc., due to normal use. 
  2. When returning the Rental Vehicle, the renter or Driver shall make sure that there are no articles inside the Rental Vehicle left behind by the renter, the Driver, or the passengers. The Company shall not be responsible for keeping any articles left behind after the return of the Rental Vehicle. 

Article 20. Rental Fees when Changing the Rental Period

  1. When the renter or Driver changes the rental period pursuant to Article 11, Paragraph 1, they shall pay the rental fee corresponding to the changed rental period. 

Article 21. Settling the Rental Fee of the Rental Vehicle

  1. The renter shall pay additional charges or excess fees as provided for in Article 20 and unpaid charges such as fuel charges.
  2. In the event that the Rental Vehicle is not refueled at the time of return, the renter shall pay the fuel charge calculated in accordance with regulations separately established by the Company. 

Article 22. Measures to be taken in the Case of Non-Return 

  1. In the event that the renter or Driver does not return the Rental Vehicle to the designated return location despite the expiration of the rental period and does not respond to the Company’s request for return, or it is found that the Rental Vehicle is not returned due to reasons such as the whereabouts of the renter being unknown, the Company will take legal measures, etc., such as filing a criminal complaint. 
  2. In the event that the preceding paragraph applies, the Company will take necessary measures to confirm the whereabouts of the Rental Vehicle, including interviews with the renter’s or Driver’s family, relatives, related parties at place of employment, etc., or activating the vehicle location information system, etc. 
  3. In the case of Paragraph 1, the renter or Driver shall be liable for compensation for damages caused to the Company pursuant to Article 28 and shall bear the expenses incurred in collecting the Rental Vehicle and searching for the renter or Driver. 

Chapter 6. Measures to be Taken in Case of Breakdown, Accident, or Theft   

Article 23. Measures to be Taken in the Event of Breakdown 

  1. In the event of an accident involving the Rental Vehicle during the Usage Period, the renter or Driver shall immediately stop driving the Rental Vehicle and, regardless of the size of the accident, take legal measures as well as the following measures: (1) Immediately report the circumstances of the accident, etc., to the Company and follow the Company’s instructions (2) When repairing the Rental Vehicle in accordance with the instructions in the preceding item, the repair shall be performed at the Company or a factory designated by the Company, unless otherwise approved by the Company (3) Cooperate in the investigation of the accident by the Company and the insurance company with which the Company has a contract, and submit the necessary documents, etc., without delay (4) Obtain the Company’s approval in advance when settling or otherwise reaching an agreement with the other party in regard to the accident. 
  2. In addition to taking the measures set forth in the preceding paragraph, the renter or Driver shall be responsible for handling and resolving the accident. 
  3. The Company shall advise the renter or Driver on the handling of the accident and shall cooperate in the resolution of the accident. 

Article 24. Measures to be Taken in the Event of an Accident

  1. In the event of an accident involving the Rental Vehicle during the Usage Period, the renter or Driver shall immediately stop driving the Rental Vehicle and, regardless of the size of the accident, take legal measures as well as the following measures.
    (1) Immediately report the circumstances of the accident, etc., to the Company and follow the Company’s instructions
    (2) When repairing the Rental Vehicle in accordance with the instructions in the preceding item, the repair shall be performed at the Company or a factory designated by the Company, unless otherwise approved by the Company
    (3) Cooperate in the investigation of the accident by the Company and the insurance company with which the Company has a policy, and submit the necessary documents, etc., without delay
    (4) Obtain the Company’s approval in advance when settling or otherwise reaching an agreement with the other party in regard to the accident. 
  2. In addition to taking the measures set forth in the preceding paragraph, the renter or Driver shall be responsible for handling and resolving the accident. 
  3. The Company shall advise the renter or Driver on the handling of the accident and shall cooperate in the resolution of the accident. 

Article 25. Measures to be Taken in the Event of Theft

  1. If the Rental Vehicle is stolen or otherwise damaged during the Usage Period, the renter or Driver shall take the following measures:
    (1) Immediately notify the nearest police station
    (2) Immediately report the damage status, etc., to the Company and follow the Company’s instructions
    (3) Cooperate with the investigation of the theft or other damages by the Company and the insurance company with which the Company has a policy, and submit the requested documents, etc., without delay 

Article 26. Termination of Rental Contract Due to Inability of Use  

  1. If, due to breakdown, accident, theft or other reasons (hereinafter referred to as “Breakdown, Etc.”), the Rental Vehicle no longer becomes usable during the Usage Period, the Rental Contract will be terminated. 
  2. In the case of the preceding paragraph, the renter or Driver shall bear the cost of picking up, repairing, etc., the Rental Vehicle, and the Company shall not refund the rental fee already received. In the event that there are unsettled charges due to an extension of the rental period, etc., the renter shall pay these charges. However, this shall not apply if the Breakdown, Etc., is due to the reasons set forth in Paragraph 3. 
  3. If the Breakdown, Etc., is caused by reasons not attributable to the renter, the Driver, or the Company, the Company shall refund to the renter the remaining balance of the rental fees already received after subtracting the rental fees corresponding to the period from the time of renting out to the end of the Rental Contract. 
  4. The renter and Driver cannot make any claim apart from those established in this article against the Company for damages arising out of the inability to use the Rental Vehicle, except for the measures provided for in this article. 

Chapter 7. Compensation and Indemnification   

Article 27. Compensation and Business Indemnification

  1. If the renter or Driver causes damage to a third party or the Company during the Usage Period of the Rental Vehicle, the renter or Driver shall compensate for said damages. However, this excludes cases where the cause is attributable to the Company. 
  2. Of the damages inflicted on the Company under the preceding paragraph, those that are the result of the Company being unable to use said Rental Vehicle due to accident, theft, breakdowns attributable to the renter of Driver, stains and odors of the Rental Vehicle, etc., shall be as set forth in the price list and shall be paid for by the renter or Driver. 

Article 28. Insurance and Indemnification  

  1. In the event that the renter or Driver is liable for paying compensation under Article 28, Paragraph 1, compensation or indemnity will be paid within the following limits in accordance with the damage insurance policy concluded by the Company regarding the Rental Vehicle and the indemnification system established by the Company.<Campers>
    (1) Personal indemnification/Unlimited per person (no deductible)  
    (2) Property indemnification/Unlimited per accident (no deductible)
    (3) Indemnification/10 million yen per accident (100,000 yen deductible) 
    (4) Bodily injury/50 million yen per person
    (5) Passenger indemnification: 10 million yen per person.
  2. In the event that the insurance conditions or the indemnity system’s reasons for exemption apply, the insurance or indemnity specified in Paragraph 1 will not be paid. 
  3. Damages for which insurance or indemnity is not paid and damages in excess of the amount of insurance or indemnity paid under Paragraph 1 shall be borne by the renter or Driver, excluding the cases where there is a special agreement.
  4. When the Company has paid for the damages that should have been borne by the renter or Driver, the renter or Driver shall immediately reimburse the Company for the amount paid by the Company. 
  5. The amount equivalent to the insurance premium of the damage insurance policy stipulated in Paragraph 1 and the amount equivalent to the subscription fee of the indemnification system determined by the Company shall be included in the rental fee. 
  6. Damage insurance and this indemnification system will not be applied in regard to accidents that are not reported to the police and any of the Company’s branches, accidents that fall under exemption articles in the damage insurance conditions, accidents that occur after the vehicle is rented out and fall under items 1 to 5 of Paragraph 1 or item 1 of Paragraph 2 in Article 8 or items 1 to 11 in Article 16, and accidents that occur after an unpermitted extension of the rental period.  

Chapter 8. Cancellation of Rental Contract

Article 29. Cancellation of Rental Contract

  1. In the event that the renter or Driver violates this agreement or falls under any of the items of Article 8, Paragraph 1 during the Usage Period, the Company can cancel the Rental Contract without any notice and demand the immediate return of the Rental Vehicle. In such case, the Company shall not refund to the renter the rental fee already received.  

Article 30. Agreed Cancellation

  1. The renter can cancel the Rental Contract with the consent of the Company, even during the Usage Period, upon returning the Rental Vehicle and paying the cancellation fee set forth in the following paragraph. In such case, the Company shall return to the renter the balance remaining after subtracting from the rental fee already received the rental fee corresponding to the period from the time of renting out to the time of return.
  2. The renter shall pay the following cancellation fee to the Company in the event of cancellation under the preceding paragraph. Cancellation fee = {(Rental fee corresponding to the period of the Rental Contract) – (Rental fee corresponding to the period from renting out to cancellation)} × 50% 

Chapter 9. Purposes of Use of Personal Information

Article 31. (Purposes of Use of Personal Information)

  1. The purposes for which the Company collects and uses the personal information of the renter or Driver are as follows:
    (1) To fulfil matters required as business license conditions, such as preparing a rent certificate at the time of concluding the Rental Contract, for a business that has received a Rental Vehicle business license based on Article 80, Paragraph 1 of the Road Transportation Act
    (2) To provide the renter or Driver with a Rental Vehicle and related services
    (3) To confirm the identity of the rental applicant or Driver when concluding a Rental Contract
    (4) To inform people by way of methods such as delivering questionnaires and advertising materials on any kind of event, campaign, etc., through methods such as mail, telephone or e-mail, for the purpose of product development or studying measures to improve customer satisfaction
    (5) In the event that personal information of the renter or Driver is acquired for a purpose not specified in each item of Paragraph 1, said purpose of use shall be clearly indicated in advance. 

Chapter 10. Miscellaneous Provisions   

Article 32. (Offsetting)

  1. If the Company has monetary debts toward the renter or Driver under this agreement, the Company can, at any time, offset these with monetary debts that the renter or Driver has towards the Company. 

Article 33. (Consumption Tax and Local Consumption Tax)

  1. The renter or Driver shall pay to the Company the consumption tax (including local consumption tax) imposed on transactions under this agreement. 

Article 34. (Late Payment Charge)

  1. If the renter or Driver and the Company fail to fulfil the monetary debts based on this agreement, they shall pay to the other party an overdue payment charge at an annual rate of 14.6%. 

Article 35. (Bylaws) 

  1. The Company can establish separate bylaws for this agreement, and these bylawys shall have the same effect as this agreement.
  2. When the Company establishes separate bylaws, they shall display them at the Company’s business office and include them in the price list, etc. The same shall also apply in the event of any modification thereof. 

Article 36. (Agreed Court of Jurisdiction)

  1. If a dispute arises regarding the rights and obligations under this agreement, the district court or summary court with jurisdiction over the head office, branch, or branch location of the Company shall be the agreed court of jurisdiction, regardless of the amount of the suit. 

(Supplementary Provisions) This agreeement shall come into effect on June 30, 2024.